0-9 | ||
3PL | 3rd Party Logistics | 第叁方物流 |
4PL | 4th Party Logistics | 第四方物流 |
4SC | 4-High Straddle Carrier | 集裝箱高跨車吊具 |
A | ||
A/W | Advance Commercial Information | 全水路(主要指由美國西岸中轉至東岸或內陸點的貨物的運輸方式) |
ACI | Advance Commercial Information System use in Canada | 加拿大使用之報關系統 |
AMS | Automated Manifest System System use in U.S | 美國使用之報關系統 |
APEC | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation | 亞太經濟合作組織 |
API | Application Programming Interface | 程式設定介面 |
ARENA | Asia North America Eastbound Rate Agreement | 亞洲北美東向運輸協會 |
AS/RS | Automated Storage and Retrieval System | 自動化存儲和修復系統操作 |
AWB | Air Waybill | 空運提單 |
B | ||
B2B | Business to Business | 企業與企業之間的交易 |
B2C | Business to Customer | 企業與客戶之間的交易 |
BAF | Bunker Adjustment Factor | 燃油附加費 |
B/B | Break Bulk | 散件卸貨 |
BCO | Beneficial Cargo Owner | 貨物擁有者權益 |
BIMCO | The Baltic and International Maritime Council | 波羅的海國際海運公會 |
B/L | Bill of Lading | 海運提單 |
BPO | Business Process Outsourcing | 企業外判程序 |
Boned Warehouse | 保稅倉庫 | |
C | ||
CAF | Currency Adjustment Factor | 市值附加費 |
CBM | Cubic Metre | 立方米 |
C&F | Cost and Freight | 成本和運費 |
CC | Carbon Copy | 抄送 |
CDMA | Code Division Multiple Address | 分發(部門)若干位址編碼 |
CEPA | Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement | 更緊密經貿關系的安排 |
CFM | Cubic Feet per Minute | 每分鐘的立方米 |
CFS | Container Freight Station | 集裝箱貨運站 |
CGI | Common Gateway Interface | CGI 介面 |
CIF | Cost , Insurance and Freight | 成本和運費兼付保險費 |
CILT | The Chartered Institute Logistics and Transport | 英國特許物流運輸學會 |
CIM | The Chartered Institute of Marketing | 英國特許市務學會 |
CIP | Carriage and Insurance Paid To | 兼付指定運費及保險費 |
CLP | Container Load Plan | 集裝箱/裝載計劃表 |
C/O | Certificate of Origin | 產地來源證 |
C.O.C. | Carrier’s Own Container | 船東提供集裝箱 |
C.O.D. | Cash On Delivery | 交貨付現 |
COFC | Container-on-flatcar | 集裝箱輸送 |
CPT | Carriage Paid To | 兼付指定運費 |
CSC | International Convention for Sale Container | 對安全容器的國際規定 |
CY | Container Yard | 集裝箱堆場 |
Customs Broker | 報關行 | |
Customs Declaration | 報關 | |
D | ||
D/A | Document Against Acceptance | 承兌交單 |
DAF | Delivery at Frontier | 貨交邊境 |
DDC | Destination Delivery Charge | 目的地提貨費 |
DOC | Document Charges | 文件費 |
DDP | Delivered Duty Paid | 完稅后交貨 |
DDU | Delivered Duty Unpaid | 未完稅交貨 |
DES | Delivered Ex-Ship | 貨交指定港口船上 |
DEQ | Delivered ex-Quay | 貨交指定港口倉庫 |
D.G | Dangerous Goods | 危險品貨物 |
D/O | Delivery Order | 出貨單 |
D/P | Document Against Payment | 付款交單 |
DPP | Damage Protection Plan | 集裝箱損壞保險 |
DRP | Distribution Resources Planning | 分發資源計劃 |
D/R | Dock Receipt | 碼頭收貨單 |
E | ||
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange | 電子資源傳遞 |
E.&O.E. | Errors and Omissions Excepted | 錯誤和遺漏不在此限 |
ERM | Enterprise Resources Management | 企業資源管理 |
EPS | Equipment Position Surcharges | 設備位置附加費 |
ERP | Enterprise Resources Planning | 企業資源計劃 |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival | 預定到達時間 |
ETD | Estimated Time of Departure | 預定出發時間 |
EXW | Ex-Works | 到戶取貨 |
Export Supervised Warehouse | 出口監管倉庫 | |
F | ||
FAF | Fuel Adjustment Factor | 燃料附加費 |
FAK | Freight All Kinds | 同一費率 |
FAS | Free Alongside Ship | 船邊交貨 |
FB/L | FIATA Combined Transport Bill of Lading | 國際運輸商協會聯運提單 |
FCL | Full Container Load | 整箱集裝 |
FCR | Forwarder's Cargo Receipt | 貨運承運人領貨單 |
FEFC | Far East Freight Conference | 遠東(歐洲)運費公會 |
FEU | Forty Feet Equivalent Unit | 40英尺標準集裝箱計算單位 |
F.I. | Free In | 船方負責裝船費用 |
FIATA | International Federation of Forwarding Agent Associations | 國際貨運代理協會聯合會 |
FIFO | First-in, First-out | 貨物先進倉和先出倉的安排 |
F.I.O. | Free In and Out | 船方不負責裝卸費 |
FIOST | Free In, Out, Stowed & Trimmed | 船方不負責裝船、卸船、理艙及平艙費用 |
FMC | Federal Maritime Commission | 美國聯邦海事委員會 |
FOB | Free On Board | 離岸價格 |
FOC | Flag of Convenience | 方便旗 |
F.O | Free Out | 船方不負責卸船費用 |
F.O.R. | Free On Rail | 火車上交貨 |
F.O.T. | Free On Truck | 貨車上交貨 |
F/R | Flat Rack Container | 平板集裝箱 |
FRC | Fuel Recovery Charge | 恢復燃料費 |
FTP | File transfer Protocol | 檔案傳輸協定 |
FTZ | Free Trade Zones | 自由貿易區 |
G | ||
GDP | Gross Domestic Product | 國民生產總值 |
GRI | General Rate Increasing | 全部費率調高 |
GSA | General Sales Agent | 總銷售代理 |
GSC | Global Supply Chain | 全球供應鏈 |
GWT | Gross Weight | 毛重 |
H | ||
HAFFA | Hong Kong Association of Fregiht Forwarding and Logistics Ltd. | 香港貨運物流業協會有限公司 |
HAWB | House Air Waybill | 代理行空運提單 |
H/H | Half Height Container | 半高集裝箱 |
I | ||
I/G | In Gauge | 貨物尺寸沒有超高超寬 |
IADA | Intra Asia Discussion Agreement | 亞洲集裝箱運輸研討協定 |
I.A.Rates | Independent Action rates | 獨立等級價格 |
IATA | International Air Transport Association | 國際航空運輸協會 |
IBC | Intermediate Bulk Container | 中型液體集裝箱 |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization | 國際民用航空組織 |
ICC | International Chamber of Commerce | 國際商會 |
ICP | Internet Content provider | 聯網內容供應商 |
ICT | Information and Communications Technology | 資訊和通訊技術 |
IMDG | International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code | 國際危險的商品代碼 |
IMO | International Maritime Organization | 國際海事組織 |
Incoterms | International Commercial Terms | 國際貿易術語 |
IP | Internet Protocol | 國際網路議定書 |
IPI | Interior Point Intermodal | 經美國西岸入內陸運輸 |
IRA | Informal Rate Agreement | 非正式運價協定 |
ISDN | Integrated Server Digital Network | 綜合服務數字網路 |
ISO | International Standard Organization | 國際標準化組織 |
ISP | Internet Service Provider | 網路供應商 |
ISPS | International Ship and Port Facility Security | 國際船舶與港口保安設備規則 |
J | ||
JIT | Just in Time | 準時制 |
L | ||
LASH | Ligther Aboard Ship | 集裝箱子母船 |
LAN | Local Area Networking | 本區域網路 |
L/C | Letter of Credit | 信用證 |
LCL | Less (than) container load | 開箱散貨 |
L/G | Letter of Guarantee | 保函 |
L.I. | Liner Inward | 入口航線 |
LILO | Last-in, Last-out | 貨物后進倉和后出倉的安排 |
L.I.O | Liner In and Out | 船方負責裝卸費,但不包碼頭費 |
L.O.A | Length Overall | 全長 |
Lo-Lo ship | Lift-on Lift-off ship | 吊裝船 |
LNG | Liquefied Natural Gas | 液化天然氣 |
LPG | Liquefied Petroleum Gas | 液化石油氣 |
LT | (Lead Time) Time between placing and receiving an order | 訂貨到交貨日期 |
LTL | Less-than-truckload | 散貨拼車 |
M | ||
M/T | Measurement Ton | 尺碼噸(即貨物收費以尺碼計費) |
MB/L | Master Bill of Lading | 船車單 |
MTD | multimode Transport Document | 多式聯運單據 |
MAWB | Master Air Waybill | 空運提單 |
MLB | Mainland Bridge | 大陸橋運輸模式 |
MLO | Main Line Operators | 遠洋船公司 |
MRP | Material Requirements Planning | 材料需要計劃 |
M/S | Motor Ship | 輪船 |
MSDS | Material Safety Data Sheet | 材料安全資料表 |
MTO | Multimode Transport Operator | 聯運商 |
N | ||
N/A | Not Applicable/Not Available | 不適用 / 無資料 |
NAP | Network Access Point | 網路途經點 |
N.O.E. | Not Otherwise Enumerated | 除非另有列名 |
N.O.S | Not Otherwise Specified | 除非另有指定 |
NVOCC | Non Vessel Operating Common Carrier | 無船舶公共承運商 |
O | ||
OCP | Overland Common Point | 內睦公共交貨點 |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer | 原產商 |
O/F | Ocean Freight | 海運費 |
O/H | Over Height | 超出正常高度 |
ORC | Origin Receiving Charge | 始發港付加費 |
O/S | Open Side Container | 開邊集裝箱 |
O/T | Open Top Container | 開頂集裝箱 |
O/W | Over Width | 超出正常闊度 |
P | ||
PCS | Port Congestion Surcharge | 港口擠塞附加費 |
P&I Club | Protection and Indemnity Club | 英國標準保賠金 |
POD | Port of Discharge | 卸貨港 |
POL | Port of Loading | 裝貨港 |
POP | Point of Presence | 存在的點 |
PPP | Point-to-Point Protocol | 點對點的草案 |
PRD | Pearl River Deta | 珠江叁角洲 |
PSS | Peak Season Surcharge | 季節附加費 |
R | ||
RF | Reefer Container | 冷藏集裝箱 |
RFP | Request For proposal | 書面建議要求 |
RFQ | Request For Quotation | 書面報價要求 |
RFRC | Rail Fuel Recovery Charge | 軌道燃料恢復費用 |
Ro-Ro Ship | Roil-on Roil-off ship | 滾裝船 |
RRS | Rate Restoration Surcharge | 比率修復附加費 |
R/T | Revenue Tons | 計費噸 |
S | ||
SAN | Storage Area Network | 網路存儲 |
SCM | Supply Chain Management | 供應鏈管理 |
SET | Secure Electronic Transaction | 安全電子交易 |
SKU | Stork Keeping Unit | 儲備保持的單位 |
SME | Small and Medium-size Enterprises | 中、小型企業 |
S/O / S/I | Shipping Order/Shipping Instruction | 付貨通知單 / 落貪紙 |
S.O.C | Shipper's Own Container | 付貨人所屬集箱 |
SQL | Structure Query Language | 架構疑問語 |
S/C | Sales Confirmation | 銷售確認書 (Sales Contract) 銷售合同 |
S/S | Steamship | 汽輪船 |
SSL | Secure Socket Layer | 付款加密法 |
S.T.C. | Said To Contain | 據報內裝 |
T | ||
TACA | Transatlantic Conference Agreement | 跨大西洋公會協定 |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol | 傳輸控制草案 |
TEU | Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit | 20英尺標準集裝箱計算單位 |
T.H.C | Terminal Handing Charge | 碼頭操作費 |
TMS | Transportation Managemeant System | 運輸管理系統 |
TOFC | Trailer-on-Flatcar | 集裝箱車架輸送 |
TQC | Total Quality Control | 全面品質控制 |
TQM | Total Quality Management | 全面品質管理 |
T.R.S | Terminal Receiving Station | 碼頭收貨站 |
TSA | Transpacific Stabilization Agreement | 跨太平洋穩定協議 |
T/S | Transhipment Port | 轉口港 |
TSR | Trans Siberian Railway | 西伯利亞大鐵路 |
TT | Telegraphic Transfer | 電匯 |
T/T | Transit Time | 航程 |
TVC | Time Volume Contract | 時間貨量合同 |
TWRA | Transpacific Westbound Rate Agreement | 泛太平洋西向運費協會 |
U | ||
UCP500 | Uniform Customs and practice for Documentary Credits | 跟單信用證統一慣例和實務 |
ULCC | Ultra Large Crude Carrier | 50萬噸油輸 |
UNCTAD | Unided Nations Conference of Trade and Development | 聯合國貿發會議 |
V | ||
V.A.T | Value Added Tax | 增值稅 |
VHF | Very High Frequency | 甚高頻 |
VLCC | Very Large Crude Carrier | 20萬噸油輪 |
VMI | Vendor Managed Inventory | 供應商的存貨管理系統 |
V.O.W. | Vehicle On Wheel | 可駕駛的車輛 |
VOC | Vessel Operation Carrier | 船舶承運商 |
VOY | Vessle | 航次 |
VPN | Virtual Private Network | 虛擬網路 |
VSL | Vessel | 輪船 |
W | ||
W/M | Weight or Measurement ton | 即以重量噸或者尺碼噸從高收費 |
W/T | Weight Ton | 重量噸(即貨物收費以重量計費) |
WAP | Wireless Appreciation Protocol | 無線應(運)用草案 |
WCS | Wireless Communications Service | 無線通信服務 |
WMS | Warehouse Managemant System | 倉庫管理系統 |
W.R. | War Risks | 兵險 |
WTO | World Trade Organization | 世界貿易組織 |
W.W. | Warehouse Warrant | 倉單 |
Y | ||
YAS | Yen Appreciate Surcharge | 日圓調整費 |
YAS | Yard Surcharges | 碼頭附加費 |
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教您如何區分截關、截單、截港 截關截單截港等怎么理解 截單截關截港的順序 截關和截港一樣嗎 截單和截港什么意思 截單和截港的區別 截單和截港 截港時間、截關時間和截單時間的先后順序是… 截單截關截港開船時間 截關 截單 截港 截關和截港是一個意思嗎… [了解更多]
這些關于DDP、DDU的區別你不一定知道我們在操作貨物的進出口中經常會遇到DDP和DDU這兩種貿易術語,但很多出口商對這些貿易術語的不了解或是了解不深,故會遇到各種各樣的麻煩,那么它們都有哪些區別呢?我們一起來看下: 一、定義 (一)什么是DDU? DDU也就是“未完稅交貨(指定… [了解更多]
出口退稅是什么意思?操作流程有哪些?一、出口退稅是什么意思?出口退稅,全稱出口貨物退(免)稅,是指在國際貿易業務中,對我國報關出口的貨物退還在國內各生產環節和流轉環節按稅法規定繳納的增值稅和消費稅,即出口環節免稅且退還以前納稅環節的已納稅款。它是國際貿易中通常采用并為各國接受的,… [了解更多]